If you have Beans in your wallet but they do not appear under “Assets” in MetaMask, you can add the Bean ERC-20 token contract as a custom token so that MetaMask will recognize your Bean holdings. Note that MetaMask will only show your Circulating Beans—your balances within Beanstalk can be seen on the Balances page.
At the bottom of the “Assets” tab in MetaMask, select “import tokens”.
Select the “Custom Token” tab.
Under “Token Contract Address”, enter “0xBEA0005B8599265D41256905A9B3073D397812E4”. “Token Symbol” will automatically be filled with “BEAN”.
Select “Add Custom Token”.
Select “Import Tokens”.
Assets used in Beanstalk may be in various states. For example, they may be Deposited in the Silo, stored in Beanstalk (known as Farm Balance and used to save gas fees), in your wallet (known as Circulating Balance), or waiting for you to Claim them (known as Claimable Beans). For more information, learn about Asset States.
View a dashboard for all Beanstalk-related holdings by wallet address in Understand My Balances.
Buy and sell Beans in Trade Beans and Transfer Balances between your Farm Balance and Circulating Balance and between wallets.
Learn how to Deposit in the Silo.
Once you have Deposited in the Silo, you will begin to receive Silo Rewards. Learn about the performance of your Silo Deposit in Understand vAPY and Understand Silo Deposit Performance and collect your Silo Rewards in Claim Silo Rewards.
Converting between Bean and LP Deposits can benefit both the Silo Member converting and peg maintenance. Learn how to Convert in the Silo.
If you want to send your Silo Deposit to another address, Transfer Deposits.
If you want to Withdraw your Deposit from the Silo, Withdraw from the Silo.
Learn how to Sow Beans for Pods.
If you want to send your Pods to another address, Transfer Pods.
Once your Pods advance in the Pod Line and become Harvestable, Harvest Pods.
Learn how to Buy Fertilizer and receive Sprouts.
Once your Sprouts become Rinsable, Rinse Sprouts.
If you want to transfer your Fertilizer to another address, Transfer Fertilizer.
Learn how to sell Fertilizer on OpenSea in Trade Fertilizer.
Pre-exploit Farmers can Chop Unripe Assets.
When you Deposit in the Silo, Sow Beans, or Buy Fertilizer, you can "Use Claimable Beans" to add to the transaction total with your Rinsable Sprouts, Harvestable Pods, and Claimable Beans.
If you do not have any Rinsable Sprouts, Harvestable Pods, or Claimable Beans, you will not see this option on the UI.
Open the "Use Claimable Beans" dropdown using the arrow icon.
Under "Which Beans would you like to Claim?" select from Rinsable Sprouts, Harvestable Pods, or Claimable Beans. You may select more than one.
Enter the amount of Claimable Beans to add to the transaction.
If less than the total amount of Claimable Beans is entered, choose whether to send the remaining balance to your Farm Balance or Circulating Balance. Learn more about Asset States.
Close the "Use Claimable Beans" dropdown to proceed with the transaction. The amount of Claimable Beans added will be shown in "Transaction Details".
When you Convert in the Silo from Beans, Transfer Deposits, or Withdraw from the Silo, you can "Use Earned Beans" to add to the transaction total with your Earned Beans.
If you do not have any Earned Beans, you will not see this option on the UI.
Toggle "Use Earned Beans". The amount of Earned Beans added will be shown in "Transaction Details".
Certain transactions require approving certain smart contracts to process your transaction. When a mode is selected that requires an approval, if you have not yet approved the contract, a special notice will appear and the module will be unusable until you send an approve.
To send an approval for the transaction in question:
Select "Approve [Token]".
Confirm the transaction in your wallet and your hardware wallet, if applicable. You should verify that the transaction is interacting with the correct contract before signing it.
New to Beanstalk? Learn the basics by reading and .
The is the authoritative source of protocol documentation while the is more accessible.
If you prefer audio content, check out the Beanstalk University recordings .
Ready to use Beans? Participate in Beanstalk and earn yield through different components of :
Silo: Earn yield and participate in Beanstalk governance by whitelisted assets. Silo Deposits earn a portion of new Bean mints. Learn more and how to .
Field: Earn yield by (lending) Beans to Beanstalk. Lenders receive , which are placed in a First In, First Out (FIFO) line that earns a portion of new Bean mints. Pods become (redeemable) at an indeterminate future time for a fixed number of Beans. Learn more and how to .
Barn: Earn yield and recapitalize Beanstalk with . Fertilizer earns a portion of new Bean mints up to a fixed return. Learn more and how to .
Market: Trade , the Beanstalk-native debt asset, redeemable for Beans. Learn more and how to .
Returning to Beanstalk as a pre-exploit Farmer? Your pre-exploit assets regain value in accordance with the success of the and growth of the Bean supply thereafter. Learn more and how to .
Have questions? for anything not covered in the Farmers' Almanac!
In addition to an internet connection, interacting with Beanstalk requires:
A supported Arbitrum wallet with an ETH balance.
Connecting your Arbitrum wallet to Beanstalk.
Arbitrum wallets are applications that let you manage your Arbitrum account. Your wallet lets you connect to decentralized applications such as Beanstalk and authorize transactions. On Arbitrum, you are responsible for the security of your own funds. If you are new to decentralized finance, it strongly recommend to research best practices in wallet security before proceeding.
Beanstalk officially supports MetaMask, WalletConnect and Coinbase Wallet on desktop and mobile. WalletConnect is a protocol supported by many wallet applications. Although not officially supported, you may be able to connect other wallets such as Brave, Frame or Rabby by selecting MetaMask on .
Some wallets allow purchasing ETH directly within the wallet. Alternatively, send ETH from a cryptocurrency exchange to your wallet address. Make sure both sending and receiving addresses are on the Arbitrum network.
1. Create a MetaMask Wallet
MetaMask is an Arbitrum wallet that facilitates interaction with the Beanstalk website.
Visit .
Select "Install MetaMask For [your browser]".
Select "Add to [your browser]".
Select "Add Extension".
Select "Get Started".
Follow the instructions to set up your MetaMask wallet. Be sure to save your Secret Recovery Phrase somewhere safe! For better security, use a hardware wallet.
In the top right of your browser, click the "Puzzle Piece" icon and then click the "Pin" next to the MetaMask icon to pin MetaMask to your browser toolbar. The MetaMask icon should now appear next to the puzzle piece icon.
2. Optional: Connect Your Hardware Wallet to MetaMask
Select the MetaMask icon and then click the circle to the right of your MetaMask address.
Select "Connect Hardware Wallet".
Select your hardware wallet.
Select "Connect."
Connect and unlock your hardware wallet.
Select the wallet address(es) you want to pair with MetaMask.
Select "Unlock".
3. Fund Your MetaMask Wallet with ETH
This step may be unnecessary if you performed Step 2.
Copy your MetaMask Arbitrum wallet address.
Send your ETH to your MetaMask wallet address from your current ETH wallet or an exchange.
4. Connect Your MetaMask Wallet to Beanstalk
Select "Connect Wallet" in the top right of the page.
Click the MetaMask icon and confirm that you are on the Arbitrum network. If not, click the down arrow at the top of the window and click "Arbitrum".
Congratulations, you are now connected to Beanstalk. Double check that your wallet address in the top right of the website is the same as your MetaMask wallet address.
Follow the instructions to set up your MetaMask wallet. Be sure to save your Secret Recovery Phrase somewhere safe! For better security, use a hardware wallet.
Select "Connect Wallet" in the top right of the page and select "MetaMask". Confirm the connection in MetaMask.
The "Connect" button will change into an icon representing your wallet. Congratulations, you are now connected to Beanstalk.
Click “Connect Wallet” in the top right of the page.
Click “WalletConnect”.
Scan the QR code with your mobile wallet and tap “Connect”. Or, select “Desktop” in the toggle and select your wallet of choice and follow the necessary flow.
Confirm that you are on the Arbitrum network via the network dropdown in the top right. If so, congratulations, you are now connected to Beanstalk. Double check that your wallet address in the top right of the website is the address you connected through WalletConnect.
Click “Connect Wallet” in the top right of the page.
Click “Coinbase Wallet”.
If you are using the Coinbase Wallet mobile app, scan the QR code.
Confirm that you are on the Arbitrum network via the network dropdown in the top right. If so, congratulations, you are now connected to Beanstalk. Double check that your wallet address in the top right of the website is the same as your Coinbase Wallet address.
Visit .
Download MetaMask from the or .
From the menu, select "Browser" and visit .
Visit .
Visit .
Introductory guides on connecting to and interacting with Beanstalk.