Deposits can be Transferred from one address to another without the loss of Stalk and Seeds.
Make sure you are on app.bean.money and connect your wallet.
Navigate to the “Silo” page.
At the bottom of the page, there is a table showing the various assets on the Deposit Whitelist.
Select the Deposited asset you want to Transfer.
Select “Transfer” and enter the amount of the Deposit you want to Transfer, up to the “Deposited Balance” shown below the input box. More recent Deposits are Transferred first to minimize the loss of Stalk and Seeds by the sender. No net Stalk or Seeds are lost in a Transfer.
Enter the Ethereum address to Transfer to under “Transfer to”.
A transaction preview will appear below the inputs. Select the “Transaction Details” dropdown to review each step of the transaction.
Select “Transfer”.
Confirm the transaction in your wallet and your hardware wallet, if applicable. You should verify that the transaction is interacting with the correct contract before signing it.
After the transaction has been confirmed by the network, the Transferred Deposit will appear at the recipient’s address on the “Silo” page for the asset that was Transferred.
The Silo page is a dashboard for monitoring the balances and performance of your Silo Deposits.
After connecting a wallet on app.bean.money, navigate to the "Silo" page.
The first module provides an overview of your Silo Deposits and their performance over time.
The "Deposits" tab shows your current USD denominated "Value Deposited" and a chart of historical value. As Silo Deposits generate Earned Beans, Planting them will increase "Value Deposited".
For pre-exploit Farmers, the value of Unripe Assets is calculated after the Chop Penalty.
The "Stalk" tab shows your total "Stalk Balance" and a chart of historical Stalk balances, "Stalk Ownership" and "Stalk Grown per Day".
Stalk is the governance token of the Beanstalk DAO received by Depositing assets on the Deposit Whitelist and from Seeds. Your "Stalk Balance" will grow as your Seeds yield more Stalk.
Stalk entitles holders to passive interest in the form of a share of future Bean mints, and the right to propose and vote in governance. Your Stalk is forfeited when you Withdraw your Deposited assets from the Silo.
"Stalk Ownership" is your current ownership of Beanstalk displayed as a percentage. Ownership is determined by your proportional ownership of the total Stalk supply.
"Stalk Grown per Day" is the amount of Stalk grown each day from Seeds. Seeds yield 1/10,000 Stalk each Season.
The "Seeds" tab shows your "Seeds Balance" and a chart of historical Seed balances.
Seeds are received by Depositing assets on the Deposit Whitelist and yield 1/10,000 Stalk each Season.
The second module provides an overview of your Silo Rewards. Read how to Claim Silo Rewards.
Earned Beans are the number of Beans earned since your last Plant. Upon Plant, Earned Beans are Deposited in the current Season.
Earned Stalk is the Stalk associated with Earned Beans. Earned Stalk automatically contribute to Stalk ownership and do not require any action to claim them.
Plantable Seeds are Seeds earned in conjunction with Earned Beans. Plantable Seeds must be Planted in order to grow Stalk.
Grown Stalk are Stalk earned from Seeds. Grown Stalk does not contribute to Stalk ownership until it is Mown. Grown Stalk is Mown at the beginning of any Silo interaction.
Revitalized Stalk are Stalk that have vested for pre-exploit Silo Members. Revitalized Stalk are minted as the percentage of Fertilizer sold increases. Revitalized Stalk does not contribute to Stalk ownership until Enrooted.
Revitalized Seeds are Seeds that have vested for pre-exploit Silo Members. Revitalized Seeds are minted as the percentage of Fertilizer sold increases. Revitalized Seeds do not generate Stalk until Enrooted.
The third module provides information on Deposits categorized by asset. This module can be switched between USD and BDV by selecting your wallet address, "Settings", and choosing a "Fiat display" option.
The "Rewards" column shows the number of Stalk and Seeds per Bean denominated value (BDV) Deposited. Hover over the column to see the BDV of each asset.
See Understand vAPY for details on the Variable APY calculation.
"TVD" is the Total Value Deposited from all Depositors. Unripe Assets are scaled by the USD value of the underlying Beans or LP as recapitalized through the Barn.
The "Amount Deposited" is your amount of Beans or LP Deposited. Note that one unit of LP is not expected to be equal to one Bean. See the current BDV under the "Rewards" column.
The "Value Deposited" is the value of your Deposits in USD or BDV. Unripe Assets are calculated after the Chop Penalty.
Assets on the can be Deposited in to earn Stalk and Seeds. You can find more information about Depositing in the Silo .
Make sure you are on and .
Navigate to the “Silo” page. At the bottom of the page, there is a table showing the various assets on the .
Select the asset you want to Deposit.
In the “Deposit” tab, there is a drop down menu to select the token you would like to Deposit.
For example, a Bean Deposit can be made in either Beans or ETH. ETH will be converted to Beans during the Deposit transaction.
Enter the amount you want to Deposit. A transaction preview showing the to be rewarded will appear below the inputs. Select the “Transaction Details” dropdown to review each step of the transaction.
You may select a slippage tolerance by selecting the gear icon. The default slippage tolerance is 0.1%.
If you are Depositing ETH or have previously approved the asset being spent, skip to Step 10. For all other assets, select “Approve [Token]”. This allows the Beanstalk contract to spend the asset, but does not Deposit it yet.
Confirm the approval transaction in your wallet, and your hardware wallet, if applicable. You should verify that the transaction is interacting with the before signing it.
Select “Deposit”.
Confirm the transaction in your wallet and your hardware wallet, if applicable. You should verify that the transaction is interacting with the before signing it.
After the transaction has been confirmed by the network, your Deposit will appear in the “Deposits” table at the bottom of the current page.
The Beanstalk UI displays vAPY (variable APY) statistics for each asset on the . APYs are called variable because they are not enforced by Beanstalk in any way. Rather, the APY uses historical data about Beans earned by Stalkholders to estimate future returns for Depositing in the Silo.
The APY calculation has two parts:
Estimating the number of Beans that will be minted per Season using recent historical data.
Estimating the number of Beans and Stalk that a Farmer will receive over time for Depositing their whitelisted assets in the Silo. This takes into account the Stalk supply and Seed supply and makes some about Stalkholder behavior.
Stalkholders earn Bean seignorage when is greater than 0 over the previous Season. Estimated annual Beans earned by a Stalkholder is called the Bean vAPY.
Seeds grow Stalk each Season, regardless of deltaB. Estimated annual Stalk growth for a Stalkholder is called the Stalk vAPY.
The Beanstalk UI and Subgraph use a 30-day (EMA) of Beans earned by Stalkholders to estimate future Beans earned by Stalkholders. The formula uses a weighted average in which recent Seasons are weighted more heavily.
The current EMA value can be located on the Silo page by hovering over the Bean vAPY values for any whitelisted asset.
The vAPY for Depositing a whitelisted asset in the Silo is determined by the value of 1 newly Deposited in 8760 Seasons (1 year).
The vAPY calculations make the following assumptions:
No new assets are Deposited into or Withdrawn from the Silo;
No liquidity is added or removed from liquidity pools that Beans trade in;
There are 30-day EMA of Beans earned by Stalkholders each Season (which assumes that the Bean to Max LP Seed Ratio will approach its max value if there are any Seasons where Stalkholders earned Beans in the last 30 days); and
Every Stalkholder Mows their Grown Stalk and Plants their Plantable Seeds each Season.
The Beanstalk UI shows the vAPYs for a Deposit with the average amount of Grown Stalk* based on a simulation of the Farmer's increase in Bean and Stalk positions compounded over the next year.
Assets on the can be Deposited in to earn Stalk and Seeds. You can find more information about Silo Rewards .
Mowing adds the Grown Stalk to your Stalk balance, which determines your governance power and portion of Bean seigniorage earned.
Note: The “Mow” function is called anytime a Farmer interacts with the Silo.
Make sure you are on and .
Navigate to the “Silo” page.
Select the green “Claim” button.
Note: You must have Grown Stalk in order to Mow.
Check “Mow” for the Silo assets you would like to Mow.
Select the green “Claim Rewards” button. An estimated transaction fee based on current gas costs is displayed below.
Confirm the transaction in your wallet and your hardware wallet, if applicable. You should verify that the transaction is interacting with the before signing it.
After the transaction has been confirmed by the network, your Grown Stalk will be added to the Stalk balance at the top of the "Silo" page.
Navigate to the “Silo” page.
Select the green “Claim" button.
Note: You must have Plantable Seeds in order to “Plant”.
Check the items you would like to Plant.
Select the green “Claim Rewards” button. An estimated transaction fee based on current gas costs is displayed below.
After the transaction has been confirmed by the network, your Plantable Seeds will be added to the Seed balance at the top of the "Silo" page.
Navigate to the “Silo” page.
Select the green “Claim” button.
Note: You must have Revitalized Stalk and Seeds in order to Enroot.
Select to Enroot your Revitalized Stalk and/or Revitalized Seeds.
Select the green “Claim Rewards” button. An estimated transaction fee based on current gas costs is displayed below.
After the transaction has been confirmed by the network, your Revitalized Stalk and Seeds will be added to the Stalk and Seed balances on the top of the "Silo" page, respectively.
Navigate to the “Silo” page.
Select the green “Claim” button.
Note: You must have claimable Silo Rewards.
All Claimable Silo Rewards are selected by default.
Select the green “Claim Rewards” button. An estimated transaction fee based on current gas costs is displayed below.
After the transaction has been confirmed by the network, your Silo Rewards will be added to your Stalk and Seed balances on the top of the "Silo" page, respectively.
An alternative way to Claim Silo Rewards is as an add-on to another Beanstalk transaction.
If eligible, an "Add additional transactions to save gas" dropdown menu will appear under the primary transaction.
Select "Mow", "Plant", "Enroot" or use the "Claim All" toggle.
The Silo Rewards transaction will appear under "Transaction Details".
The associated amount of Stalk, Seeds, and Stalk from Seeds from a given Deposit must be forfeited when the Deposit is Withdrawn from the Silo. You can find more information about Withdrawals .
Make sure you are on and .
Navigate to the “Silo” page.
At the bottom of the page, there is a table showing the various assets on the .
Select the asset you want to Withdraw. You must already have a Deposit of this asset in order to Withdraw.
Select the “Withdraw” tab and enter the amount of the Deposited asset you would like to Withdraw. You may Withdraw any amount up to your “Deposited Balance” shown below the input box.
Under “Destination”, select “Circulating Balance” or “Farm Balance”. Selecting Circulating Balance returns Withdrawn assets to your wallet. Selecting Farm Balance keeps the asset stored in Beanstalk which can save gas fees in future transactions. See for more information.
LP Tokens have a “Claim as” option that allows you to receive the asset in a different form. For example, BEAN:3CRV LP may be Withdrawn as BEAN:3CRV, Bean or 3CRV. If the option selected is different from the Withdrawn asset, the transaction will convert the Withdrawn asset.
If the transaction involves trading between assets, you may select a slippage tolerance by selecting the gear icon. The default slippage tolerance is 0.1%.
A transaction preview showing the will appear below the inputs. Select the “Transaction Details” dropdown to review each step of the transaction.
Select “Withdraw”.
Confirm the transaction in your wallet and your hardware wallet, if applicable. You should that the transaction is interacting with the correct contract before signing it.
After the transaction has been confirmed by the network, the location of your assets will depend on the option selected in Step 6:
If “Circulating Balance” was selected, the assets will be in your wallet. Your Circulating Balance is also shown on the page.
If “Farm Balance” was selected, the assets will be shown on the page.
The window of the EMA (), i.e., the number of Seasons in 30 days:
The weighting multiplier (); a constant between 0 and 1 that determines how much weight is given to the most recent data point:
The 30-day exponential moving average at Season ():
The complete formulas for the vAPYs can be read in the code .
*The are based on a new Deposit with no Grown Stalk.
Planting adds them to your Seed balance, which determines how many Grown Stalk you receive each Season. Planting also Deposits your in the current Season. already contributes to your Stalk ownership and does not need to be claimed, but is claimed upon Plant.
Make sure you are on and .
Confirm the transaction in your wallet and your hardware wallet, if applicable. You should verify that the transaction is interacting with the before signing it.
adds to your Stalk and Seed balances, respectively.
Make sure you are on and .
Confirm the transaction in your wallet and your hardware wallet, if applicable. You should verify that the transaction is interacting with the before signing it.
Claiming all Silo Rewards calls , and in one transaction.
Make sure you are on and .
Confirm the transaction in your wallet and your hardware wallet, if applicable. You should verify that the transaction is interacting with the before signing it.
Silo Members can participate in peg maintenance by Converting certain Deposited assets to others within the Silo. You can find more information about Conversions here.
Make sure you are on app.bean.money and connect your wallet.
Navigate to the “Silo” page.
At the bottom of the page, there is a table showing the various assets on the Deposit Whitelist.
Select the asset you want to Convert from. For example, to Convert from Bean to another asset, select Bean. You must already have a Deposit of this asset in order to Convert from it. Assets may or may not be convertible at a given time based on deltaB. See Convert Whitelist for additional information.
Select “Convert” and enter the amount of the Deposited asset you would like to Convert.
Below the input box, select the asset to “Convert to”. Available pairs are listed in the Current Convert Whitelist.
A transaction preview will appear below the inputs showing the change in asset and change in Stalk and Seeds. Select the “Transaction Details'' dropdown to review each step of the transaction.
You may select a slippage tolerance by selecting the gear icon. The default slippage tolerance is 0.1%.
Select “Convert”.
Confirm the transaction in your wallet and your hardware wallet, if applicable. You should verify that the transaction is interacting with the correct contract before signing it.
After the transaction has been confirmed by the network, your Converted Deposit will appear at the “Silo” page for the asset you Converted to under the “Deposits” table.