Bean Sprout is currently inactive.
Bean Sprout is a Beanstalk accelerator program to facilitate rapid development on and around Beanstalk in a decentralized fashion. Bean Sprout is responsible for the incubation of Root.
Like Beanstalk Farms, Bean Sprout does not have a treasury and has historically been minted a a budget by the Beanstalk DAO via BIP. Budget funds are custodied by the Bean Sprout Multisig (BSM).
Past BIPs that funded Beanstalk Sprout:
BIP-8: Beanstalk Q1 2022 Budget (included Beanstalk Farms and Bean Sprout)
Monthly reports on how Bean Sprout spent its budget can be found here.
Currently, Bean Sprout is not actively funded. The last Bean Sprout budget was the Q4 2022 budget. Past BSPs can be read here.
Bean Sprout Proposals, or BSPs, are proposals to use the Bean Sprout budget. Anyone with 0.1% of the Stalk supply or BSM signers can propose a BSP. BSPs are voted on by Stalkholders.
BSPs that propose to spend less than or equal to 25,000 Beans are optimistically approved unless a quorum of 10% of the Stalk supply is reached, after which the majority vote determines the outcome of the vote. BSPs that propose to spend more than 25,000 Beans must reach a quorum of 10% of the Stalk supply and a majority vote For in order to pass.
A BSP is not required for the BSM to send payments valued at under 4,000 Beans.
Bean Sprout is currently inactive.
Bean Sprout budget funds are custodied by the Bean Sprout Multisig, or BSM. The BSM is deployed using Safe. Its m-of-n configuration is currently 4-of-7 on Ethereum mainnet. This means any use of the budget funds must be approved by at least 4 of the 7 signers.
Bean Sprout Multisig Safe address: 0xb7ab3f0667eFF5e2299d39C23Aa0C956e8982235
The current BSM signers are as follows, in no particular order:
Bean Merchant
Michael Montoya
MarcoOnMulberry (ereal)
The following Farmers serve as backup signers for the BSM, in no particular order:
Rotating BSM signers requires a BOP (or BIP) unless a signer voluntarily leaves the BSM or for rotating in a backup signer.