Fundraiser Facet

The Fundraiser Facet dandles the creation, funding, and completion of Fundraisers.

Call Functions

function fund(
    uint32 id,
    uint256 amount,
    LibTransfer.From mode
) external payable nonReentrant returns (uint256);

Fund a Fundraiser in exchange for Pods.

function createFundraiser(
    address payee,
    address token,
    uint256 amount
) external payable;

Creates a Fundraiser. Can only be called by the owner of Beanstalk.

View Functions

function remainingFunding(uint32 id) public view returns (uint256);

Returns the remaining number of tokens to raise.

function totalFunding(uint32 id) public view returns (uint256);

Returns the total amount of tokens raised so far.

function fundingToken(uint32 id) public view returns (address);

Returns the address of the token that can be sent to the Fundraiser.

function fundraiser(uint32 id)
    returns (Storage.Fundraiser memory);

Returns the Fundraiser struct.

function numberOfFundraisers() public view returns (uint32);

Returns the number of Fundraisers.


event CreateFundraiser(
    uint32 indexed id,
    address fundraiser,
    address token,
    uint256 amount

Emitted when a Fundraiser is created.

event FundFundraiser(
    address indexed account,
    uint32 indexed id,
    uint256 amount

Emitted when a Farmer calls fund.

event CompleteFundraiser(uint32 indexed id);

Emitted when a Fundraiser is fully funded.

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